I find it so interesting to see the intensity that results from intangible thoughts. No one living today has any personal direct experience with the people who wrote and rewrote the Jews' and Christians' Scriptures. All that people have is in their imagination, yet they will demand that others have the identical mental model.
People are prepared to fight and argue over ideas, to the point of torture and murder. People are prepared to subject themselves to the thoughts of people, most often men, who beguile and control the minds and behaviours of large numbers.
My argument is always with the religious leadership, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, never with any individual Witness. Each can believe what they wish to, provided they do so willingly, freely, and with complete knowledge of all relevant facts. What each does is their own responsibility and their right. I wish to be able to live out my life in accord with my mental model so I must extend that right to all others.
Consider that amazingly tolerant humanitarian, Cyrus, the victor of Babylon and contrast him with that religious zealot, the authoritarian Ezra. Not that I met them personally - just thoughts in my mind.